Ready for Python development with Emacs in just 60 seconds

This post demonstrates how you can configure a very decent environment for Python development with Emacs, in just 60 seconds.

A dream is now true: The first time you start Emacs, it automagically downloads and configures all plugins you need. Emacs is then just ready to work and you can start typing code immediately.

For the impatient

  1. Save configuration files you eventually have!

cd $HOME 
tar cpf dot-emacs.ORIGINAL.tar.gz .emacs .emacs.d
mv .emacs   dot-emacs.ORIGINAL
mv .emacs.d dot-emacs.d.ORIGINAL
  1. Remove any Emacs configuration files you eventually have.

rm -r -f .emacs .emacs.d
  1. Install Python libraries

This should be done preferably inside a virtual environment.


workon py276 #-- py276 is a virtualenv I'm using
pip install epc
pip install jedi
pip install elpy
  1. Download my .emacs file onto your home folder.

cd $HOME 
ln -s dot-emacs.el .emacs
  1. Start emacs. It will configure itself when it first run!


Features in a nutshell

That's it: ready for coding in 60 seconds :)


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